Legh Vale Primary School

Legh Vale Primary School

Welcome to our website!

Being The Best I Can Be!

Legh Road, Haydock, St Helens, Merseyside WA11 0ER



01744 678330

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2

Mrs L Potter

Assistant Head Teacher

Year 2 Teacher

Miss S McKean

Year 2 Teacher

Miss S Connor

Year 2 Teacher

Mrs A Clintworth

Learning Assistant


Mrs C Forber

Year 2 Teacher


Mrs L Hoather

Learning Assistant

Mrs A Bridge

Learning Assistant

 Below is a useful guide to show what your child needs each day.


Reading book 

Book change day

 PE - Please ensure earrings are removed or plasters applied. (Y2PM)


Reading book 

PE-Please ensure earrings are removed or plasters applied. (Y2CF) 


 Reading book

 PE - Please ensure earrings are removed or plasters applied. (Y2SC)


Reading book 

Spelling test 



Reading book 





Please ensure your child reads each day for at least five minutes and their reading records are signed each time. Books must be read as many times as possible to build up fluency and comprehension and will be changed on a Monday. Ebooks are assigned on a weekly basis and can be accessed via the Oxford Owls website. Passwords are inside your child's reading record.

Please ensure that your child completes their Numbots homework online each week. 

Spelling sheets are to be kept at home to allow continuous practice before and after their spelling tests.

Please ensure that all school uniform and PE kits are clearly labelled.

Here is some of our children's work.

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