Please see detailed information about our Geography curriculum. If anyone has any further questions regarding the curriculum please contact Mr A Howard (Headteacher).
Curriculum Intent
At Legh Vale, we aim to inspire and ignite our pupil’s curiosity about the world they live in, how it has been formed and how is it constantly changing over time. We want to open the doors of opportunity to each pupil, helping them to realise their full potential and inspire them to become lifelong learners.
The intention of our Geography curriculum is to prepare children to have an increased awareness, knowledge and understanding of other places and cultures and the rapidly changing world that we live in. We want to combine practical skills with an understanding of human, physical and environmental issues. Our curriculum is intent on developing children’s geographical skills through key knowledge, technical vocabulary and building on previous learning. We make pupils aware of ever-changing environmental issues at local, regional, and global levels. Our intent is to help our children to make informed decisions about how to live their lives now and in the future.
Curriculum Implementation
At Legh Vale we follow the National Curriculum as a basis, teaching all statutory content whilst also using Primary Connected Geography scheme of work to enhance our teaching and learning. We focus on progression of skills and knowledge whilst building on prior learning through an enquiry-based approach. We use this enquiry-based approach to ask big questions about topics and places. Our curriculum is designed so knowledge and skills build upon previously taught topics.
Curriculum Impact
Enquiry-based learning for every lesson which starts with a question. A variety of ways of recording knowledge gained, formally or informally evidenced. Each lesson will be evaluated to provide assessment. All children to have to opportunity to access the curriculum provided.